
The Plan of Time

The Plan of Time tells the story of the Bible sequentially, explaining history and reconciling prophecy from the Garden of Eden to the book of Revelation.

We begin with a timeline that plots the events of the Bible onto a chart that cannot be a coincidence – it shows a pattern of seven 1,000-year ‘Days,’ each beginning with the birth of a major figure in God’s plan and each having an overarching theme.  After the timeline chapter, each chapter covers 1,000 years, showing the ‘big picture’ of God’s plan, as well as where we are in that plan

A major part of the story, and an important connection to modern times, is the movement of people through migrations organized by God.  Most of what we think we know about migrations is incomplete – really understanding migrations enlightens us to modern conflicts (and the futility of some of our peace efforts).  Everything may appear random, but it is not.  In spite of all human endeavors and decisions, the plan of God continues, and we are all a part of that plan.


Use the navigation bar above to access each chapter.  Each chapter is broken down into multiple posts connected in sequence with ‘next’ and ‘previous’ arrows.  The chapters are as follows:

  • The Timeline – Shows the overall plan of time and meaning of each Day.  Each Day begins with one person whose life connects to the theme of that Day.
  • Day One – Begins with Adam and answers mankind’s most enduring question:  Why do we exist?
  • Day Two – The time of the flood, this Day challenges the faith of many in the inerrancy of the Bible.  Instead of dismissing this account as a myth, we need to look for the deeper meaning.  Why take the animals on the ark?  Were there really only eight people saved?
  • Day Three – This Day begins with Abraham and covers the Exodus and the time of Judges.  All the major players in today’s world had their beginning and their destiny decided in Day Three.
  • Day Four – Day Four is the time of the kingdom and the scattering of the tribes of Israel.  This is where current thinking loses the flow of the story.  God returned a small portion of the House of Judah to the Promised Land for the birth of the Messiah, but the rest of His people began a new life in an ancient empire most people have never heard of – for some reason, it has almost been erased from history.  Almost…
  • Day Five – The Day of Grace began with the birth of our Savior and continued with the birth of His church.  But why was He born in a manger in Bethlehem?  And how did something that happened in the Garden of Eden (that most people have never heard about) guarantee his death on the cross?
  • The rest of the story – the balance of Day Five after the crucifixion and the story of Days Six and Seven – are still in development, but many aspects of these Days are covered within the other Days and the Timeline chapter as well as in various  Articles (see sidebar).  We will also be posting a detailed account of the creation week in the future.